Monday, December 17, 2012

Here goes nothing...

FINALLY....I am sitting myself down and starting a blog. Why it has taken me until my twenty-second year to document the ridiculous happenings of my world-wind of a life can only be blamed on too much school work and a tad bit too much socializing...paired with my insatiable ability to fiddle-fart all the time. I guess I could start this thing by telling you a little bit about myself so you will know what you're getting yourself into. 

I grew up in an incredibly small place where I knew the first and last name of everyone in my graduating class, and the three before and after me. It is a place described in many a George Strait song...where sitting on the front porch after dark in the summer is mandatory, as is Sunday morning church. My parents raised me well, teaching me to always be kind to others and work hard for things in life. My household was a place where cursing wasn't allowed, family came first, and alcohol was frowned upon. If that sounds boring, no worries, my friends were brought up the exact same way--in youth choir and drama groups, complete with mission trips and youth conventions. It was an ideal upbringing. 

I don't want to go so far as to say that I am a completely different person now as I was when I was in high school, but I would say that my exposure to different points of view has shaped the way I think about most things, but more about that later. The fall after I graduated high school I started at Auburn University, scared to death and all alone. Granted I had some other friends starting as juniors, but I was a measly little freshman. I am now, four years later, a senior planning to graduate in May. I have learned more about myself and the world around me in the last four years than I could have ever imagined, and it's safe to say I believe in Auburn and love it. Sorry I had to put that one plug in for the place I have spent countless hours and dollars on during my collegiate career. 

I can't help but think this is the perfect time to start a blog--it will soon be a new in which the life I have lived for the past four years will come to an end and I will embark on a new life that involves commitment, drive, and (ughhh) responsibility. This should be an exciting time to document, and I am ready to embrace the change. What can I say, I'm just a college kid who is fiercely dreading graduation day, but equally as excited to see what's in store for my future...and you are invited to come along for the ride. 

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