Monday, March 4, 2013

At least it isn't leap year.

The good news is...February is over. Because I am blogging means that I made it through this less than favorable month. I'm sure you're wondering how the shortest month of the year could be so unbearable. I wouldn't call it unbearable, but there are better months out there. The thing about this particular February is that there have just been too many opportunities to gorge myself with large amounts of food, and that makes for a pretty terrible way to get the Spring Break bod I promised myself I would have.

Let's start with the first week of February. Take yourself back there...Mardi Gras is in full swing, and there are just so many delectable treats in Mobile that demand to be eaten. And of course when you're in a new town being shown around by your new friends, can you really say no to the best places in town to eat? one, including myself. So as I was taken on a journey of fried chicken, special sauce, "the best mexican food in town", and a large portion of chicken and rice from the Hibachi chain recently removed from Auburn, I am positive I left with a permanent food baby. No worries though, all I had to do was run every day the next week. Easy fix, right? In what pretend world was I living in...not quite an easy fix.

Moving on to the second week of this loath-able month. Oh this is the week that is host to everyone's favorite day of the year: Valentine's Day. Goodie goodie gumdrops, a day to point out my singleness to the rest of the world when I am forced to admit I have no plans except to dinner with my equally as single friends. Let me take a minuet to go over the evolution of this ONE day of the year into an entire season of sorts, basically the Christmas of February. No I do not want your email notifications that flowers are on sale and that there are millions of V-Day specials discounts, and I definitely don't want to read your blogs about how to get that perfect date night outfit. I am bitter I didn't get any emails teaching me how to find Mr. Right...or how to keep him preferably. Nevertheless, I got all of the unwanted emails, and went to dinner with my single friends, followed by the annual trip downtown to avoid most interaction with happy couples all over Auburn. Keep in mind, though, that the one thing about Valentine's Day that doesn't discriminate against singles is, unfortunately, the candy. There is a never-ending plethora of cookies and candies that girls all over the world allow themselves to cheat on their diet with...filling their shrinking bellies with chocolate. It's inevitable, and I admit that I too use the Love Day as an excuse as well.

On to the next weekend. The problem with this weekend is not a specially planned event, but rather the lack of one. Because I had nothing planned, I made my way back to good ole Clay County. I've written about my family before, so you can review my previous blogs to check in on how dysfunctional and southern they are, the latter of course entailing a great deal of fried foods...not to mention that when I go home for a weekend my family acts like it will be my last visit home and they should make me all of my favorite foods and take me to all of my favorite restaurants. I mean, how can a girl resist when loads of chocolate chip pie, cornbread and buttermilk, and trips to the local mexican restaurant are shoved in her face. For some reason, being home erased all sense of time awareness because I found myself dismissing the thoughts in the back of my mind to stop eating so much to preserve what little hope was left for my SB '13 toned and tanned bod with something like this..."Oh Spring Break is WEEKS away, I have plenty of time"...or the old faithful excuse..."I will just run every day next week." Too bad neither of those things were true. So with my excuses in hand, I ate all the fried, home cooking I wanted.

So after three weeks of binge eating, I don't know what could stop me. It turns out nothing could. At this point in February, not only did I have a three week track record of unhealthy eating, but it was also coincidently my roommate's 21st birthday (A.K.A. my 21st birthday). The weekend kicked off on Thursday night at Shogun as we stuffed ourselves with sushi, complete with fried shrimp, salad, and the best fried rice you can imagine. Friday night consisted of chips, queso, and a less than healthy margarita with the caloric equivalent of an entire day's worth of food. Laying around the entirety of Saturday burned zero calories, and the late night Taco Bell only furthered the weekend's calorie overload. As if this isn't embarrassing enough, we topped off the weekend with a roomie trip to one of our favorite places to indulge: Olive Garden. Two bowls of salad and soup later, we were somehow able to put down a (lunch-sized) entree. I blame the two bowls of salad on the amount of time it took them to cook our main dishes. I mean, it's salad right? To add to the mortifying nature of how much food the two of us were eating, we couldn't stop staring at the two people sitting at the bar beside us. As we literally sat turned toward them, making up a story about their lives that was outrageously untrue (we hope), everyone...and I mean everyone...caught us staring. No's our birthday weekend. We can do whatever we want...and eat whatever we want. We topped off the weekend binge with a large handful of Andes mints. Apparently the waitress noticed our over-indulgence.

So here we are, just four days from a week of bikini wearing fun, and I started my slim-down meal plan ...yesterday. Things are definitely looking up...I mean at least now we are done with the glorious month of February.